Address: Fort Lauderdale, FL

From Press Release
Outstanding Achievement in Writing Recognized Marc Frazier in Royal Palm Literary Awards. Florida, October 2024
The Florida literary world is honored as Marc Frazier, a talented and accomplished writer, was announced as a winner in the esteemed Royal Palm Literary Awards (RPLA). Hosted annually by the Florida Writers Association (FWA), RPLA is a highly regarded writing competition that celebrates excellence in writing across more than 20 genre categories for adults and 5 for youth. This recognition is a testament to Marc Frazier’s exceptional work and dedication to their craft.
This anthology also placed as a finalist in the da Vinci eye award category by the Eric Hoffer Book Awards for best book cover design thanks to an amazing painting by the artist Steven Ostrowski.

Chuck Kramer Reviews – If It Comes to That
Marc Frazier is a poet who often ends a poem with a bombshell—a turn of phrase, an insight, or even a question. His skill at producing powerful endings is one of the delights of reading his work in If It Comes to That, his fourth book of poems, this one from Kelsay books. In “Kahlo” he asks, “Who is who they wanted to become?” In “The Discovery” he ends by stating “…our adolescent lives move on. Always move on. And not much is learned.” In “Journal of the Plague Years: One,” he concludes: “I was the river once. He was the sea.”
These poems wrestle with questions of identity, elitism and privilege, life and death, especially death, as they engage in a constant conversation with the arts. Some begin with a poetic epigraph while others reference movies, painting and art. This gives the poems a large canvas to explore as they deal with both contemporary issues and the dark, lonely corners of Frazier’s personal family history. (Continue Reading Here…)
Member of the
South Florida’s Writer Associations
Member of the
Chicago Writer’s Association
Member of the
OCWW (Off Campus Writer’s Workshops)
Creating a Kaleidoscope of Stories as an LGBTQ Author
Step inside the world of MARC FRAZIER WRITES, where words paint vivid pictures and tell immersive stories. As an accomplished LGBTQ author in Fort Lauderdale, FL, with over four decades of experience, I bring a unique blend of robust creativity, artistic finesse, and life’s multi-hued tapestry to my work. I celebrate diversity and inclusion by writing about authentic experiences and a unique identity, offering readers a fresh perspective and a safe space to explore, learn, and grow.
Rediscover the World Through My Words
My name is MARC FRAZIER, and I am an author of multiple genres – from poetry, captivating fiction, flash fiction, and revelatory memoir pieces to thoughtful essays. My journey started with the art of poetry, allowing me to distill life’s complexities into poignant and evocative verses.

Explore the Tapestry of My Creations
Literary Passport: Available Books
My four published poetry collections create alternate worlds which the reader is invited to inhabit. Fiction, memoir pieces, essays, and book reviews can also be found in numerous literary journals online and in print. See books here.
Ink Trails: My Published Works
Words have the power to move, inspire, and transform. Over the years, I’ve channeled this power to create diverse published works. Browse my creations and discover a window into my explored literary landscapes.
A Flavor of Prose: Sample Writings
Whether you’re an avid or a casual reader, my sample writings offer a taste of my craft and a glimpse into the heart of my storytelling. It’s a showcase of my style, my voice, and my passion encapsulated in snippets of prose. Explore my works today, and let my words coax your imagination on a literary journey.
Earlier Beginnings, Bigger Horizons
Unveiling my passion for writing at a young age, my commitment to the craft is evident in every piece I create. My earlier start allowed me to nurture my storytelling abilities comprehensively, equipping me with the skills to engage readers across various themes and topics. Get to know me better by reading the intricacies of my journey.

Get in Touch
The journey through my work invites you to experience your emotions and narratives more deeply. So, whether you’re here for a considered reflection, a slice of life, or a beautifully told story, you’re in the right place. Connect with me, delve into the enriching world of literature, and find the inspiring story that resonates with you.
Ask about my published books and writings.